You're A Curious One...
I'm Peter, a 22 year old born and raised in San Pablo, California. When I'm not coaching XC mountain biking or ultimate frisbee, I love to travel. Very generic, I know... Spending three months working on farms in Japan made me realize that I want to be able to experience local cultures on a level that's simply difficult to do without taking time to engage with locals in their daily lives.
I also love skiing, white water rafting, backpacking, baseball, photography, SCUBA diving, and anything else that leads to intentional or unintentional adventures!
Following graduation I've been left spinning my wheels waiting, like everyone else, for COVID to be over. With asperations of being a ski instructor in New Zealand and working at a dive shop in Australia delayed indefinitely, I've decided to transition my figurative spinning wheels into literal ones. I feel cycling takes you at the perfect pace. Not the snail's crawl of backpacking, but slow enough that you can't simply drive past everything at 75 MPH.