Well I'm Happy You Found Your Way Here...
There are a multitude of ways you can help out! First of all, I would like to mention the charity that I am riding for this summer. The San Lorenzo Druids are a high school club that could really use your help to get through the hard times we all have been experiencing. Your support would be greatly beneficial to them. Please look at the GoFundMe here.
If you would like to support me directly, thank you! I truly appreciate it and it all helps immensely. I would love to be able to do any kind of sponsorship or other mutually beneficial collaboration. I think this type of support would be the most fun for me, and would hopefully be helpful for you as well.
If you really just want to just support me financially, I have two main options, PayPal and Venmo. If I'm riding, send me a message for any sizable donation and I will write you a postcard from the state of your choice along my route!
PayPal: Peter@Peterhere.com
Venmo: Peter-May-12
If you just want to send me a supportive message, please do! I imagine I'll be needing the motivation as cycling over 4,000 miles isn't going to be all sunshine and roses...
You can contact me through my email: Peter@Peterhere.com